The Knowledge
Set against the backdrop of the harsh economic times of 1979, The Knowledge is based on the iconic 1979 TV film comedy, written by Jack Rosenthal, and follows the hilarious struggles of four Londoners as they attempt to better themselves by attempting the fearsome “Knowledge” - the process of becoming a London black cab driver. Standing between them and the coveted Green Badge is the eccentric Mr. Burgess, the examiner. Also known as “The Vampire”, he is on an obsessive mission to maintain standards.

The Knowledge cast includes of Steven Pacey as Mr Burgess, Celine Abrahams as Brenda, James Alexandrou Gordon, Jenna Augen as Val, Louise Callaghan as Miss Staveley, Ben Caplan as Ted, Michael Chance as Arab Tourist, Alice Felgate as Janet and Fabien Frankel as Chris.

Acclaimed actress and writer Maureen Lipman is to direct this world stage premiere. The rest of the creative team is made up of Nicolai Hart-Hansen (Set Design), Jonathan Lipman (Costume Design),  Leigh Porter (Lighting Design) and Andrew Johnson (Sound Design).

The Knowledge "has a period charm and authenticity that makes it worth hailing... director Maureen Lipman keeps the engine ticking over nicely & there's a fab debut from Fabien Frankel."
Georgina Brown, The Mail on Sunday 

"Fine ensemble acting, it's an enjoyable ride"
The Sunday Times

“The play retains the wit and lightness of Rosenthal’s writing”
The Guardian

"Jack Rosenthal’s well-loved film has been adapted by Simon Black into theatrical shape and retains all the dry gentle wit, empathy and humane sweetness of the man. It isn’t a storming, life-changing play, but it is an honest slice of life and in the second hour, surprisingly satisfying. I was going to take the Tube afterwards, but took a cab instead. In tribute."
Libby Purves, Theatre Cat
"A period piece, given a charming new lease of life in Maureen Lipman's well-acted, rather delightful production"
 Paul Taylor in The Independent

"The whole - often hilarious - evening moves along at a terrific pace, it's a fine, funny night in the theatre, and a touching requiem for a London that sadly feels long gone"

"A riveting celebration of London and the legendary institution that are black cabs"
"Simon Block’s beautifully smooth stage adaptation of Jack Rosenthal’s 1979 television masterpiece. Steven Pacey’s Mr Burgess has to be an Olivier Award candidate. He alone is worth the ticket price."
Theatre Monkey
"Enjoyable and pioignant, this is a play not just about 'The Knowledge' but about wisdom and self-knowledge — possibly even harder to acquire."
The Financial Times

"An enjoyable tribute both to the talents of its creator and a section of the workforce we too often take for granted"
Time Out

Now Playing

Mrs President

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Mrs President
Art Pond Foundation presents


Written by John Ransom Phillips
Directed by Bronagh Lagan

In Mrs President, Mary Lincoln is a woman at war—with her grief, her detractors, and herself. Vilified by an envious elite and accused of treason, she strives to rebuild her public image to win the hearts of the American people. She turns to the world’s first celebrity photographer, Matthew Brady, who helped her husband, Abraham Lincoln, win the presidency. But their partnership unravels into a tense battle for creative control. As Mary fights to tell her story, the play delves into themes of power, identity, female agency, and the cost of representation.

With a richly textured script by acclaimed artist, playwright, and historian John Ransom Phillips, Mrs President invites audiences into a gripping examination of history’s biases and the human need to define ourselves. Described as “evocative” and “unmissable,” this brand new London production brings to life an intimate and politically charged portrait of America’s most misunderstood First Lady.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "History, feminism, drama. Can't be missed." - Broadway World

Mary Lincoln: Miriam Grace Edwards
Mathew Brady: Sam Jenkins-Shaw

Written by John Ransom-Phillips 
Directed by Bronagh Lagan
Movement Director & Associate Director Sam Rayner
Set & Costume Design by Gregor Donnelly
Lighting Design by Derek Anderson
Sound Design by Sonum Batra
Video Design by Matt Powell
Production Management by Dan Weager
General Management by Katy Lipson and Kristie Winsen for ARIA Entertainment
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Music Hall

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Music Hall
Under the Arches - Return to The Good Old Days.

Step back in time for this traditional Victorian Music Hall with a unique blend of audience participation, authentic characters and broad comedy.  
The New Players’ Theatre are delighted to be back at Charing Cross Theatre which was their home for many years so let us raise the roof and let London reverberate to the glorious sounds of the Music Hall and singing the wonderful songs that are an essential part of our heritage with Maestro Mr Tom Carradine.

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